Tags – Why Small Businesses Need Content

In a time where paid advertising had been a reliable tactic for attracting customers, it is becoming more and more ineffective

Evidence suggests that over 600 million devices now have ad blockers on them.

Although this makes for better online experience, it spells trouble for businesses who predominantly rely on paid ads to reach new and existing companies.

So, how do you get around this? Content marketing is your answer!

Many believe content marketing is about blogs and social media – but actually, it’s so much more than that.

Instead, content marketing is a long term strategy used to build a stronger relationship with your target audience, grab their attention, improve engagement and boost your brand’s image.

To put simply, content marketing is about adding value and providing something to your audience which builds trust. 

And, what small businesses need to understand is that 70% of customers prefer learning about businesses through content over any other kind of advertisement.

With all this in mind, these are our top 3 reasons why your small business needs content marketing.

1. Bigger Return on a Smaller Investment

Whether you produce your content in house or outsource to someone to do it for you, it will still be cheaper than other forms of advertising; content marketing costs around 62% less.

And whilst it’s cheaper, it also generates 3 times as many leads which means you’re getting a bigger return for a smaller investment.

Yes – leads are not sales.

But, it does contribute to a larger collection of traffic that ultimately adds to new social shares and greater brand visibility.

Saying all that, if you would like to convert more leads into sales, you will like our video below:

2. Build Trust

Trust is a word we hear a lot in business, and for good reason too.

At the end of the day, if your audience trusts you – they will invest in you.

Therefore, creating high quality content that is relevant to your industry is a great way to nurture leads and customers, convincing them to stay with you for the long term.

As such, the content you produce and publish should demonstrate you as an expert (know what you’re talking about!), and the more frequent you are will positively impact on your brand’s visibility and engagement – content marketing goes full circle, benefitting you and your customers.

3. Boost Organic Search Visibility 

Small businesses often feel intimidated trying to compete with the big boys of their field.

Especially because the evolved search engines have changed the business landscape forever. 

Research reveals, 97% of consumers will search for local goods or services using popular search engines before they make a purchase.

So, don’t worry!

Just because you’re a small business, doesn’t mean you can’t get your content to rank in search results.

Reason being, is the quality and how relevant your topic is (which you’re in control of), is key in getting to the top, therefore your content marketing strategy should gear towards your business showing up in these searches.


It’s hard to think of any business that wouldn’t benefit from a content marketing strategy.

Ultimately, an increase in website traffic, building trust with customers and boosting brand visibility are without a doubt going to do wonders to your small business.

Keep in mind, you want to be producing quality content that your target audience is looking for; be a reliable resource to capture their attention. 

Please contact us for more information.

In the meantime, check our SEO agency and LinkedIn Management services to get your creative juices for content flowing.

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