Nature's Harvest


Nature’s Harvest provides comprehensive nutrition solutions for all dog breeds and life stages. Their range of products includes wet food, mixer, treats and raw-made-easy cold-pressed recipes – making it the ultimate single source for canine dietary needs.

The Challenge

At the time of discussing to work with us, Nature’s Harvest set the following challenges for us on Google Ads:

  • Reducing the cost per conversion from £20 to under £15.
  • Increasing the conversion value/cost from 2.28 to over 4.
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The Results

October 2022:

  • Cost per Conversion: £13.75
  • Conversion value/cost: 4.02

November 2022:

  • Cost per Conversion: £6.96
  • Conversion value/cost: 7.13

December 2022:

  • Cost per Conversion: £10.92
  • Conversion value/cost: 5.33

January 2023:

  • Cost per Conversion: £9.67
  • Conversion value/cost: 5.21

How We Solved The Problem

From the set go, we were able to identify that Nature’s Harvest should not be bidding on the open market for dog food, because of the fact that the quality of the food is more premium. Therefore we:

  • Specified the bidding to 19 sets of audiences instead of open bidding
  • Identified the core buyers to be in specific industries, e.g. Finance, Insurance, and Property
  • Decided that the age-specific food can be turned into a selling point, especially for senior dogs and their medical complications

Once starting, we also set a monthly catchup, as the dog food market can change, based on seasons and where the market is going in general, e.g. in terms of travelling and other lifestyle indicators of clients that can impact buying decisions.

Now, we are supporting Nature’s Harvest with the following:

  • Launching more season specific offers and using them in Google Ads to get more customers and subscribers
  • Segmenting the website into more niches, so people looking for more specific food items for their dogs can find them more easily, and we can target these said people more effectively

Given that most of the revenue of Nature’s Harvest comes from subscriptions and returning customers, it is hugely important for us to stay on top of the market and cater to the expectations of our customers, both existing and new.


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