Darbar Player


Darbar Player is the app of Darbar: a UK non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and preserving Indian classical music. With Darbar Player, you can easily bring the beauty of Indian Classical music into your home via your smartphone, computer, tablet or TV – either live or from our extensive archive.

The Challenge

Darbar, thanks to their long running music festivals around the world, have a cult following amongst the fans of Indian classical music. As a result, getting the initial interest and downloads has not been a problem. So, even with the same pricing as some of the big names in music apps, e.g. Apple Music and Spotify, Darbar was able to get 250 paying customers on a monthly subscription.

  • The Challenge: Getting More Downloads
  • Target Regions: Any Countries with Listeners of Indian Classical Music
Darbar Logo For PPC Case Study

The Results

Downloads in Jan 23: +916

  • Ad Spend: $243
  • Cost/Conversion: $0.27

Downloads in Feb 23: +9,005

  • Ad Spend: $801
  • Cost/Conversion: $0.09

How We Solved The Problem

We started off by identifying more specifics of the target audience. In terms of locations, we identified the major cities of India, US, UK, Canada, and Australia as starting targets.

Next, we identified a list of classical singers and performers, e.g. Ravi Shankar, and decided to target their active fans.

We also recognised the age of the target audience to be 25-54.

Then, we set off with our 1st 3 campaigns for Apple, Android, and their website traffic.

Now, we will be taking the following steps with Darbar Player:

  1. Seeking Arts Council funding to launch the app on more platforms more aggressively, e.g. YouTube, and using part of the funding to reduce the cost of subscription to attract more customers
  2. Launching the app in more locations, e.g. UAE, Malaysia, etc.


Darbar Plater Results

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