Tags – Tips For Writing a LinkedIn Invitation 


No matter how long you have been using LinkedIn for, when it comes to connecting with new people it can often be quite challenging – especially when you’re not sure how to personalise your invitation.

Most of the time, people get tempted to use the generic prompt “I’d like to add you to my professional network” – stop!

Think about it – if you were at a face to face networking event and you went to shake your hands with someone and said “I’d like to add you to my professional network”, sounds silly right?

It would never happen in real life so you shouldn’t do the same online either.

With that said then, here are our top 5 tips for writing a LinkedIn invitation so you can make connections that can benefit you later down the line.


1. Honesty 

Before you send a request, ask yourself – why do you want to connect with this person?

Then, once you know how this connection will bring you value and vice versa, explain this in your invitation.

For instance, if they have just written a recent article that interests you, let them know that’s what inspired you to connect.

In fact, you shouldn’t shy away from admitting that they are working for a targeted company and you’re looking for more insights – open communication is best!

Ultimately, if you’re trying to connect with someone who has no idea who you are, there’s nothing worse than sending an invitation in a generic format because it’s likely many others are doing the same and it will get missed.


2. Find Common Ground

At first, trying to find something that you have in common with a potential connection may not be obvious.

So, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do we operate in similar industries?
  • Are there any connections we have in common?
  • Are there any LinkedIn groups that we share?

You may find you have more things in common than you think, which you can use to your advantage when sending an invitation to connect.

For instance, if you’re a part of the same group you could say “I see you are a member of X group. I am also engaged in this group and would love to share some of my ideas with you.” – yes, this sounds very simple but it gets the point across effectively.


3. Reference Their Profile/Make it Personal

By taking a moment and scanning a potential connection’s profile is a good way to find a key point for you to reference in your invitation.

For example, if they attended the same university as you or someone you know, add this into your invitation as it shows your genuine interest and that you’ve actually paid attention to their profile, rather than just sending a random request.

In addition, you should explain how you know them – did you meet an event? Do you work in the same industry?

And, if you don’t know them personally then create a reason – e.g. do you have a mutual connection?

So as you begin to compose your message, find ways to customise it so it’s personal to whom you want to connect with.


4. Be Enthusiastic

Whilst you want to make your invitation personal, it’s also important to show some enthusiasm in your message too.

As such, you should sound excited about their background, skills or the organisation they work for.

By doing so you’ll be able to grab their attention, break the ice and the person on the other end will be more intrigued to accept your invitation.


5. A Warm Sign Off

It’s always nice to express gratitude when ending your invitation message, and a simple thank you demonstrates basic etiquette.

With this in mind, thank the person in advance for agreeing to connect as well as encouraging them to call on you if you can offer any help.

Simply a warm sign off is the smallest detail to make your invitation feel more welcoming and personal. 


The Final Word

Above all, your invitation should show the person you want to connect with that you actually care about the connection – and you’re not just trolling to get your connections above 500.

Otherwise, you’ll miss the opportunity to connect with someone on a deeper and more personal level – if you’re trying to connect with someone who doesn’t really know you, you will need to introduce yourself and explain why you want to connect – a personalised invitation can go a very long way.


If you have any questions, give us a shout!


Check out our LinkedIn Management services in the meantime.


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