Tags – Google Caffeine


Google Caffeine was a web indexing system that was released in August of 2010.

It was designed to provide faster, more relevant search results for users. In this blog post, we discuss all the features of Google Caffeine.


Significance of Google Caffeine

Google’s Caffeine Update was so comprehensive that the search engine giant offered months of a “Developer Preview.” That is to say, there was so much on the line that Google gave SEO experts and developers early access to it in order to identify any problems before a general release.

Finally, in August 2010, Caffeine was released after ten months of further development and testing.

Simply, this new method allowed Google to crawl and store data much more effectively.

In fact, according to Google, they were able to not only boost their index but also deliver considerably more timely results.


How Did Google Caffeine Work?

In the previous indexing method, pages and content types were categorised based on how fresh they appeared to be.

Since most sites were in the fresh category, numerous bots crawled them and added their material to the index rapidly, but for the most part, their content would be reindexed every few weeks.

More specifically, the G-bot would scan a group of web pages and index them, extracting the information and additional details about each one, such as incoming backlinks, anchor texts and other citations, in order to determine what subjects the page is relevant to.

Then, the search results that resulted from the keyword research process were queued to be added to the index. They would wait till the entire section was finished before being displayed in search results.

With caffeine, Google was able to crawl quickly, collect data, and include it to their index in seconds, therefore extremely fresher information was accessible on a wider range of websites.

Furthermore, it was designed with a view to the future in mind, as well as how changing devices and media types may affect the resources required.


Why Did Google Rebuild Indexing in 2010?

The Google indexing system was completely rebuilt with caffeine.

When the Google index was created, there were 2.4 million websites and 188 million people on the internet throughout the world.

In 2009, there were 238 million websites and over 1.8 billion people attempting to access them, with no end in sight for either expansion.

Simply, the old index was just inadequate for what was to come and what was expected of the internet.


What was the Impact of Caffeine?

Unlike a traditional Google update, there was no detrimental impact on certain websites. Some sites, however, had their rankings and/or organic traffic reduced as a result of the change.

Overall, Google’s index grew larger, allowing it to crawl and return more up-to-date information. And, sites that published new content swiftly were recognized.


Industry Efforts to Gain SEO Advantages

Because Google’s capacity to index material has advanced so much, there have been a slew of blog entries and articles claiming that updating content on a regular basis provides an SEO benefit.

In fact, this update had nothing to do with the ranking signals.


The Long Term Impact of Caffeine

Outside allowing for more rapid indexation of fresh material, the Caffeine Update had a limited direct effect on rankings. It set the stage for some large changes to come.

The pre-Caffeine index was unable to keep up with the current 1.9 billion websites on the internet, nor could it handle the many devices, data formats, and query entry types that we take for granted.


To learn more, get in touch with us today.


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