Tags – Not Annoy Target Audience


We all have a friend who’s stories seem to have no meaning. Their stories just exist.

Well, having pointless stories is absolutely fine in a friend’s circle, but in business, if your efforts have no meaning, chances are that you are annoying your audience.

And, the issue with having stories with no meaning is: even if your friend ends up spinning the story and sharing something meaningful, chances are that you had turned off at some point and missed the whole point.

Now imagine doing that in business.

You have worked hard to develop your audience and now you are giving them stories full of tangents that don’t seem to do any good for your business.

In any case, you want solid content with valid points that adds value to your readers.

So, here’s how you can stop annoying your audience.


Keep Your Goal in Mind from the Beginning

Before any business effort, you need to be clear about your goals; you need to be clear about what you are looking to achieve with that effort.

Then, connect the dots together.

In particular, if you know your end goal, how are you going to walk your audience through the journey? What is the message you will be giving? What is the tone that you will be using? And so on…

Messaging put across appropriately can do wonders for your business. For instance, it can improve the quality of leads you get, it can nurture those leads, and it can help you reach the goal of conversion and loyalty towards your business.

Just keep in mind that all these goals are not achievable with a single piece of content that tries to cover it all. So, have a micro goal for each piece you produce, that connects back to your bigger aim: business success.

So, think of what emotion your audience will take from each piece?

Again, a single piece of content will not cut it through but can you make it memorable? Can your value be so clear that people take it away, recall, and share it?

All possible, but you need to be clear about what you are trying to achieve with each piece.


Closing Remarks

To learn more, get in touch with us today.

In the meantime, please check our SEO services that includes content creation and marketing.


On a related note, if you would like your content to appear on Google search, you may find our video below useful:



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