Weightru SEO


Weightru is a leading provider of vehicle weighing solutions across the UK and Europe, serving a wide range of transport clients including the likes of Network Rail and DPD.

Weightru approached Axies Digital in August 2020 to improve their rankings in the search engine result pages (SERPs) and build their online presence. The manufacturer was struggling to get more direct leads in the SERPs and were gaining most of their business from word-of-mouth referrals.

The Challenge

The team at Weightru were relatively well aware of how SEO works at the most basic level, but understood that things were forever changing with Google. Having carried out their marketing functions in-house for a number of years, it was time for Weightru to invest in a clear digital marketing strategy to boost their online visibility and remain competitive.

On paper, Weightru’s existing content had everything going for it:

  • Backlinks from industry directories (this is a good starting point)
  • Clearly defined products
  • Easy to navigate website functionality

So what was missing?

Ultimately, Google’s first and foremost goal is to make users happy. And this means they need to show people results that match their user intent. Here’s how Axies Digital helped…

Weightru SEO Case Study Logo

The Results

By addressing website behaviour, improving user intent and creating a targeted keyword-driven strategy, Axies Digital achieved the following results in less than 6 months:

  • Generated £50,000 in added sales within 3 months, with repeated orders as well as new sales, and revenue from equipment maintenance packages
  • Reached page 1 in the SERPs for “Vehicle Weighing” within 4 months, along with page 1 rankings for “Weighbridge Supplier”, “Weighbridge Suppliers”, “Portable Weighbridge”, “Vehicle Weighing Solutions”, “Weighbridge Manufacturers”, and “Weighbridge Calibration”. 
  • Achieved a 28% increase in organic traffic within 3 months, with organic traffic quadrupling (4x) in 18 months.
  • Boosted their brand awareness and established greater authority within the industry

How We Solved The Problem

Step 1

In order for Weightru’s audience to grow, the first step was to identify a topic area that will attract more people with the potential to be converted into direct sales. The first stage of our plan was to dig deeper into Weightru’s competitors and industry by analysing multiple websites and published content. From this, we understood that the information of Weightru’s products and services needed to be simplified for their audience and that industry-wide knowledge of weighing scales and solutions needed to be published.

Step 2

After in-depth review of Weightru’s existing blog strategy and competitor analysis, we found an opportunity to expand the content to target their core audience personas: qualitative, actively seeking weighing solutions from industries, such as pharmaceutical and food production, that require repeated production and maintenance of weighing solutions.

Our integrated, keyword-driven marketing strategy consisted of a 5 step plan:

  1. Audience: to target each blog to a distinct audience by responding to specific industry questions and pain points
  2. Keywords: broaden the number of keywords to rank for and include terms that their audience may be searching for, such as: “weigh in motion”, “weighing machines” and “weighbridge”.
  3. Buying Cycle: to target each blog to a stage in the buying cycle in order to attract, engage or convert
  4. Call to Action: include CTAs to drive readers further down the sales funnel
  5. Amplify: promote every content piece across Weightru’s social media channels, such as LinkedIn

For Weightru, Axies Digital posted 2-3 blogs per week, continued till today, with top 3 rankings achieved continuously for various terms, e.g. Weighing Solutions, Weighbridge Supplier etc. within the first 3 months. With a regular, reliable schedule, we were already ahead of the competition and we have maintained that momentum ever since. 

Step 3

As always, the final step to our approach was backlinking. Here, we identified parallel sectors and services, such as OMC Global and e-bate, before we introduced guest content to their site. We were able to achieve this through a mix of existing relationships from our wide network and forming new ones specifically for Weightru. In addition, we registered Weightru to 5 directories each month that helped to enhance social media indicators for search engines.

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