
Backed by years of experience, DPI are experts in illuminated and non-illuminated tension fabric displays, and living green walls, to help their customers create a world they want with an experience they can feel.

After spending countless hours together through multiple platforms, DPI approached Axies Digital to help build their brand awareness, improve their website’s ranking and generate significant ROI. The manufacturer was struggling to get high quality, direct leads from the SERPs and were receiving most of their business from word-of-mouth referrals.

The Challenge

DPI did not have a clear marketing strategy in place, nor did they have an existing marketing team. The agencies they had used in the past were highly transactional and did not understand their business or future direction. As a result, DPI was struggling to attract their ideal customers, as there was no definitive consumer persona.

Due to the transition and expansion of business strategy, there is a challenge of consistent marketing content with clarity of who the content is intended for. Ready to take their business to the next level, it was time for DPI to invest in effective digital marketing efforts, in order to:

  • Build brand awareness and reputation
  • Generate inbound leads and increase revenue
  • Improve organic website traffic
  • Elevate websites’ position in SERPs
  • Generate significant ROI
DPI Logo For SEO Case Study

The Results

  • Web traffic: 208% increase in 3 months
  • New Sales: £40,000, with an average sale value over £800. Recurring clients spend between £4,000-£5,000 per quarter. The quality of leads also improved with higher rankings.
  • Brand Recognition: DPI now appears extensively through search engine results, including Google News, Google Images, People Also Ask, etc.

How We Solved The Problem

After an initial brand audit and strategy report, Axies Digital was able to analyse their data and report on current trends that indicate where DPI should be positioned in the market. Here’s how Axies Digital helped:

Competitor Research

This involved researching their biggest competitors to gain insight into their products, sales and marketing tactics, and identify opportunities where DPI can out-perform them. From this, we could see their unique value proposition and what makes their products different, was not being praised enough online. But in order to attract the right type of customers, we highlighted specific solutions for multiple sectors.

Keyword Research

Once we identified DPI’s competitors, we found an opportunity to narrow down their customer type: designers/commercial contractors, the “middle man” from sectors such as retail, offices, exhibitions and events, seeking innovative signage for their clients.

Here’s a brief overview of our keyword-driven marketing strategy:

  1. Audience: to target each content piece to a specific audience by answering industry questions and providing solutions to pain points
  2. Keywords: broaden the number of keywords to rank for and include terms that their audience may be searching for, such as: “LED lightbox”, “fabric displays” and “LED signs”.
  3. Buying Cycle: to target each blog to a stage in the buying cycle in order to attract, engage or convert
  4. Call to Action: include persuasive CTAs to drive readers further down the sales funnel
  5. Amplify: promote every content piece across DPI’s social media channels, especially on LinkedIn

Content Development

Before we could start publishing informative blogs, Axies Digital needed to update certain landing pages so they were consistent with the new marketing strategy and in line with the newly defined target audience. At this point, there was confusion as to who their products were aimed at, the language used and overall structure. 

Axies Digital rewrote the copy so it was relevant to the target audience and easy to understand by eliminating technical terms, including powerful but minimal messages and clear and easy-to-use CTAs.

As it stood, DPI had a limited number of blogs on their website and they weren’t providing their audience with any real value beyond selling their products – they were very “sales pitchy”. For DPI, Axies Digital posted 2-3 blogs per month, with page 1 rankings achieved continuously for various terms, e.g. LED Lightboxes, Tension Fabric Display etc. within the first 3 months.

Case studies play an important role in the buying journey; so to showcase their products and tell a story, we also produced short, impactful case studies that include customer quotes and pictures to help give potential buyers a greater understanding of the benefits that DPI’s products can bring.

Social Media Guidance

Axies Digital identified a gap where DPI could really take advantage of LinkedIn. Due to the type of audience DPI wanted to target, we could see these kinds of people are active on LinkedIn more than any other platform. By implementing tools and processes, and teaching DPI how to use LinkedIn properly, they have been able to specify the kind and quality of content that is put out, along with the strategy of specifying and inviting potential direct buyers to their LinkedIn business page, along with boosting their content to reach the right people for their business.

To summarise, Axies Digital modernised all communication assets through:

  • Refining Visual Identity
  • Brand Positioning
  • Messaging Strategy
  • Content Marketing Strategy

Developing extended branding assets can be applied across both sales and communication, such as social media, banners, TV ads, recruitment comms, brochures, a new website and more.

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