Nail Polish Direct


Nail Polish Direct (NPD) is a leading online retailer of nail polish and related products. Based in Loughborough UK, NPD have an extensive range of over 100 different brands and thousands of individual products to choose from – meaning that you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for on our website.

With their returns from Google Ads on a decline, NPD initially approached Axies Digital to clean up their targeting data, before committing to staying with us for their overall Google Ads management and targeting. As of Sep 2022, the Google Ads of NPD are now responsible for nearly 25% of their complete organisational revenue. We are now working with the leadership team to start targeting the European market, starting with France and Germany.

The Challenge

We already knew that Google Ads can be a great way to market Nail Polish Direct, based on some of their results in the near past. However, there were a few challenges that we faced when using this platform:

  • Knowledge of the Industry: Our Operations team knows more about rocket science than nail polish. So, we had to put systems in place to understand the overall business of NPD.
  • Going beyond the obvious sales: Working with NPD meant a 20% market recognition already with their ideal audience. However, the company has had ambitions to push further in the market. So, we had to come up with ways to reach new audiences that would be interested in the offering of NPD.
  • Not to Waste Money: Another challenge unique to NPD, they were our 1st client whose problem was not spending; they only cared about what that spending brings back. So, we had to understand the business numbers of NPD, and make sure that we are always making beyond an acceptable return on investment.

To overcome these challenges, our Operations Direction, Taseer Ahmad, visited them every week for the 1st 6 weeks of us working together, cutting it down to once a month, with the leadership team also visiting Axies offices on a regular basis to discuss new ideas and targets. The rest of the process, in this case, came down to continually finding new opportunities in the market, both in the UK and internationally.

Nail Polish PPC Logo

The Results

  • Google Search Campaigns: £13.63 in sales for every £1 spent on Google Ads
  • Targeting New Audiences: £8.43 in sales for every £1 spent on Google Ads, with Google Search, Google Shopping, Android, Gmail, YouTube, and Google Display Network.

* Please note that, because of a special directive from NPD, we are unable to share the specific financial numbers of NPD. The above numbers are indicative of the results we have achieved, almost doubling the returns in some cases, as compared to previous campaigns.

How We Solved The Problem

Understanding the Business

As mentioned above, our operations team had a limited understanding of nail polishes. However, we understand that even with all the technical knowledge of the world, it is also important to understand the details of a business before doing their marketing. In order to do so, our Operations Director, Taseer Ahmad, visited NPD offices every week for the 1st 6 weeks of working together.

Understanding the Audience Behaviour

Part of the challenge of working with a client like Nail Polish Direct is the diversity of the target audience. Given that NPD carries 100s of brands and 1,000s of different products, each of those brands and products have their distinct set of audience that may be active or inactive, based on a series of circumstances. Over time, we have split the targeting to cater to each subset of the market.

Continuous Testing

Part of our commitment to our clients is continuous testing to find more areas of growth. In the case of NPD, we are now working towards a European and US strategy to expand our reach. We are already seeing great results from some of the markets, e.g. Sweden, Denmark, Greece, and the US. We are committed to continuing this growth journey, with the support of our clients.

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