Garden Haus


About Their Business

Garden Haus sells home and garden products to value-oriented customers. They focus on providing similar quality to their competitors but at more affordable prices.

The Creative Challenge

Garden Haus needed simple and effective brand guidelines to act as the foundation for all their creative efforts going forward, including a new website and printed marketing collateral. The challenge for them was standing out amongst the competition, without a constant uphill battle to gain recognition.

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The Creative Process


The first part of the branding process for Garden Haus was figuring out who their ideal customers were. We had questionnaires and meetings before producing customer personas and some creative directions we thought would work given the competition, their budget and in-house skills.


Based on our research, we knew using type as a key element of the identity made a lot of sense. Most of the competition uses extremely generic typefaces and we knew getting things like custom assets or photography would be a challenge. Leveraging orange’s association with DIY and complimentary browns that stand out from the crowd, we knew Garden Haus would be easily identified.

Going Forward

Overall, we believe their simple and effective branding is unique vs the competition, whilst remaining practical enough to pull off effectively in the long term. We delivered full guidelines and the logo files in a variety of formats they’ll need going forward. We will continue to work with Garden Haus on their wider marketing efforts, including a new website.

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