LG Electronics is stepping up to combat the negativity prevalent on social media with its latest campaign, ‘Optimism Your Feed.’ 

This initiative is rooted in a global survey conducted by LG, revealing that nearly half of the respondents (45%) experience a social media feed inundated with as much, if not more, negative content than positive. 

Additionally, 28% of respondents reported that the negative content on their social feeds has heightened their anxiety levels. These statistics underscore the growing concern over the impact of social media on mental health and well-being.

The Power of Positive Algorithms

Inspired by the influence algorithms have on the content users see, LG’s campaign introduces a curated playlist of positive videos. The ‘Optimism Your Feed’ playlist aims to flood social media feeds with uplifting content when interacted with, effectively using algorithms to bring more positivity to users. 

The playlist features over 20 short-form videos created in collaboration with global influencers known for their positive impact, such as Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, and Josh Harmon. The content ranges from motivational talks to feel-good moments, ensuring a diverse array of uplifting material.

By engaging with this playlist, users can potentially shift their algorithmic preferences, resulting in a more positive overall social media experience. What’s more, LG hopes this initiative will not only improve individual users’ moods but also encourage broader societal trends towards positivity and well-being.


Optimism your feed and get your FYP back to its old self. Join us now. #Optimismyourfeed #LifesGood #NewYorkTimesSquare

♬ original sound – Life’s Good – Life’s Good

Expert Consultation and Strategic Rollout

To bolster the campaign’s credibility, LG has enlisted the expertise of social media specialists, including Casey Fiesler, a professor, information scientist, and technology ethicist at the University of Colorado Boulder

Fiesler’s insights into the ethical implications of technology and social media provide valuable guidance for the campaign, ensuring that LG’s efforts are both impactful and responsible.

The ‘Optimism Your Feed’ playlist is available on LG’s global YouTube and TikTok channels, where it can reach millions of users worldwide. LG plans to expand the campaign to other social platforms through further influencer collaborations, maximising its reach and impact. 

Additionally, consumers can engage with the campaign through a dedicated microsite, providing another avenue to access and share positive content. This multi-platform approach ensures that the message of positivity can be accessed and spread across various digital spaces.

Aligning with LG’s Broader Vision

This initiative is part of LG’s larger ‘Life’s Good’ campaign, which was launched last August. The campaign encourages people to adopt a more optimistic outlook on life and introduces LG’s refreshed, dynamic, and youthful brand identity, unveiled last April. 

By focusing on positivity and mental well-being, LG aims to build loyalty among younger demographics, such as Gen Z, whose spending power is on the rise.

Furthermore, LG’s broader campaign also highlights the company’s commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. The ‘Life’s Good’ campaign is not just about promoting products but about fostering a culture of positivity and resilience in the face of challenges.

Industry Trends Towards Positive Social Media

LG is not alone in this endeavour. Other companies have also highlighted the importance of healthy social media habits in their marketing strategies. In February, Snap launched an advertising campaign presenting Snapchat as an ‘antidote to social media.’ 

This campaign emphasised Snapchat’s focus on real connections and personal communication over the often superficial interactions found on other platforms.

Similarly, Dove’s long-standing Self-Esteem Project introduced the Campaign for Kids Online Safety last April to address the increasing mental health issues among youth associated with social media usage. 

Dove’s initiative focuses on educating young people and their parents about the risks of social media and promoting positive body image and self-esteem.

These campaigns reflect a growing awareness among brands of the need to address the negative impacts of social media and promote healthier online environments. By joining this movement, LG is positioning itself as a leader in fostering positive digital experiences.


LG’s ‘Optimism Your Feed’ campaign is a timely and strategic initiative to counteract the negativity often found on social media. By leveraging the power of algorithms, collaborating with positive influencers, and consulting with experts, LG is setting a precedent for promoting mental well-being through digital content. 

This effort not only aligns with LG’s broader ‘Life’s Good’ campaign but also positions the brand as a leader in fostering a more positive and optimistic social media environment. As more brands join the movement towards healthier social media practices, the digital landscape could see a significant shift towards positivity and well-being.

And finally, as LG continues to innovate and engage with consumers through positive initiatives, it demonstrates a commitment to not only enhancing the lives of its customers through technology but also through meaningful social impact. This comprehensive approach could redefine brand loyalty and set a new standard for corporate responsibility in the digital age.