French luxury group Hermes has announced a remarkable surge in profits for the first half of the year, with exceptional sales growth in Asia taking the lead. As China emerged from years of Covid restrictions, the maker of leather goods, silk scarves, and jewellery witnessed a staggering 36% increase in net profit, reaching an impressive 2.2 billion euros ($2.4 billion) between January and June. 

What’s more, this achievement also comes as the company’s overall sales rose by 22%, totaling to an impressive 6.7 billion euros.

The Hermes CEO has attributed the outstanding results to the brand’s enduring popularity, fueled by their commitment to timeless craftsmanship and impeccable quality, stating further that their artisans’ dedication to preserving the heritage of their luxury goods has resonated with customers worldwide, particularly in Asia.

Asia – A Powerhouse of Success 

Hermes reported a strong momentum across all business lines and regions, but it was Asia that shone the brightest. Sales in Asia, excluding Japan, experienced a remarkable 23.7% surge, amounting to a staggering 3.3 billion euros. 

Interestingly, the company attributed a lot of this success to a triumphant Lunar New Year, which saw eager consumers flocking to embrace their exquisite offerings.

Furthermore, the demand for Hermes products in China reached unprecedented heights, with key items, such as the iconic Birkin and Kelly bags, becoming must-have accessories among affluent Chinese consumers. 

This surge in demand prompted the luxury house to bolster its production capacities to meet the growing appetite for its sought-after creations.

Greater China and Beyond: Unstoppable Growth 

In a show of dominance, Hermes revealed that its momentum extended beyond China. The Greater China region, including Singapore, Thailand, Australia, and Korea, witnessed a spectacular surge in demand with the company seeing strong traction in these regions, contributing significantly to their overall sales growth.

Singapore, known as the luxury hub of Southeast Asia, recorded a 19.5% increase in sales, fueled by the city-state’s affluent population and vibrant tourism. In Thailand, where Hermes boasts several flagship stores, sales climbed by an impressive 26.3%, reflecting the country’s growing appreciation for high-end fashion and luxury goods.

Moreover, Australia and Korea emerged as two key markets that contributed substantially to the company’s success in the region. In Australia, a nation known for its appreciation of luxury and fashion, sales surged by 21.8%. Meanwhile, Korea’s demand for Hermes products skyrocketed by 29.1%, with the company capturing the hearts of the discerning Korean consumer.

Favourable Comparison Basis and US Success 

Notably, the company enjoyed the benefits of a favourable comparison basis from last year, as China enforced strict pandemic restrictions that have since been removed. This factor further contributed and bolstered their second-quarter figures, accentuating their remarkable performance.

Hermes also showcased its prowess in the United States, outpacing rivals LVMH and Richemont with a substantial 20.7% growth in the Americas region, amounting to 1.2 billion euros in the world’s biggest economy. 

What’s more, to solidify their presence in the US market, the luxury house opened new stores in Aspen, Colorado, and the city of Naples in Florida earlier this year, amplifying their footprint across the nation.

Ultimately, Hermes’ success in the fiercely competitive US market can only be attributed to its ability to resonate with American consumers who appreciate the brand’s blend of elegance and functionality. 

This was quickly proven when the recently opened stores in Aspen and Naples soon became favourable destinations for luxury shoppers seeking the epitome of sophistication.


In summary, Hermes has delivered a stellar half-year performance, defying expectations and outpacing its competitors in the luxury goods market. The company’s exceptional sales growth in Asia, especially in China, has been the driving force behind its 36% jump in profits.

As the world embraces the post-pandemic era, Hermes’ dedication to craftsmanship, quality, and customer experience continues to elevate its brand to new heights. With a remarkable start to the year, Hermes sets an inspiring precedent for luxury companies worldwide, proving that even in the face of challenges, excellence prevails.

Looking ahead, the company remains optimistic about its future prospects,and with its strong momentum in Asia and continued success in other regions, Hermes stands firm in its position as a global leader in the luxury industry, with unwavering dedication to creating timeless, coveted pieces that capture the essence of luxury.