When you write a blog, you want your content to be a hit with your readers.

And, all you need to do is make sure your readers find value in the content you’re writing – it really is that simple.

So, if the whole point behind blogging is to create value, the question is: how do you make your blog valuable?

Well, your blog needs to solve problems and answer questions your readers have.

Do this successfully, and you’ll make a lasting impression upon your audience, they’ll be more likely to return to your blog and they’ll be more likely to share it with their networks.

For many bloggers though, trying to identify a reader’s problem is not that easy.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do: here are 4 ways how you can identify your readers’ problems.

Solve Your Own Problems

The best way to identify the problems of your readers is to first address your own.

The reason being, if you have a problem, the likelihood is, you’re not going to be alone.

As such, rather than solving your own problem for yourself then moving on, you should capture the solution and include this into your blog so others can benefit from it too.

To get started, sit down with a pen and paper and brainstorm all of the things you have learnt, discovered, overcome and solved.

In addition, list down all of the questions that you’ve asked others about your problems, or those questions that you may have researched for yourself.

Doing this, and you should end up with a nice list of potential posts you can write about on your blog.

Find Questions in Search Referrals

Usually, people do not pick up the phone and ring your business to ask questions about problems they are facing – that’s what the internet is for right?

And so, a particularly useful way to discover what your readers are looking for is by looking at the terms people are typing into search engines to arrive at your website.

Sometimes, the most common keywords and phrases can highlight a topic that people have a problem or need in.

For example, if you search for “web design”, there may be hundreds of other terms that follow; some may want to know how to choose colours, others may have questions about the layout or user experience.

Doing this will help you to identify endless problems that people are facing; Google Analytics is a great way to help you get started.

Look For Problems in Forums and Social Media Groups

If you’re new to blogging and have just recently started your business, you may not have much of a mailing list to begin with.

Therefore, a good way to find out the types of problems your readers may have, is to join relevant groups and communities online, such as LinkedIn groups or Facebook groups related to your industry.

In these places, people typically share what they are struggling with and this is your opportunity to use this to your advantage and write about these issues on your blog – along with offering solutions of course!

Ask Your Readers

The next thing you can do, is simply just ask your readers outright about the needs and challenges they’re dealing with; providing they feel comfortable to do so.

There are a few ways you can do this: 

  • Write a post on your social media platforms asking for questions
  • Email those who have left comments on your posts if they need help with anything
  • Set up a form on your website that is essentially a question box
  • Create a poll that gives people a few options to show you their most pressing needs

Rounding Up

In the end, all of these factors we’ve discussed above boils down to one thing: creating a great experience for your readers and providing them with value.

Overall, your blog content needs to be relevant, helpful by answering questions and solving problems for your readers, whilst at the same time being original and offering a fresh new perspective on that topic.

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