Once you’ve hit publish and your content is out there, you may have noticed that it has an initial burst of interest, but then, very quickly, it becomes another one in a trillion posts, failing to capture people’s attention.

And, considering how long it takes to write a blog post, there’s nothing worse for all that time and effort to die when people stop reading it.

But like many things, content marketing should follow the Pareto rule; the 80/20 rule that is used to maximise productivity.

The rule states: you should spend 80% of your time marketing your content and 20% of your time making it.

Now, you may be wondering: how can I spend so little time making content?

Fear not, this is where content repurposing comes in!

Luckily, blogs can be reused and recycled in a way that is still eye catching, attention grabbing and more importantly, original.

So, if you’re struggling with ideas to post on social media, a lot of content you’ve created in the past can be easily repurposed, which can help to:

  • Reach a new audience: some people prefer visuals over text, podcasts over ebooks, videos over blogs etc. So, reformatting content for different mediums allows you to appeal to more audiences and thus expand your reach
  • Not get lost in cyberspace: if you published a blog post a few years, or even months ago that you know is still relevant today, repurposing it puts that information up front and centre, ensuring that it is never forgotten or lost in cyberspace
  • Make the most of your effort: content takes a lot of effort, but there are unforeseen factors that can affect how well that blog will perform. Repurposing helps to ensure those users who may have missed it the first time round have a second chance to see it.

With that said, here are 4 ways to repurpose blog content for social media.

Create Infographics

Did you know, our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than it does text?

Shocking right! So, it makes sense to create infographics from blog posts that contain a lot of data and statistics to connect with users faster, especially if they’re the type to just scroll through without reading long chunks of copy.

In other words, infographics are an excellent way to communicate complex information by condensing it into an attractive format.

Not to mention, they’re perfect for all forms of social media channels that rely on graphics, be it Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

In fact, you can also repurpose infographics by splitting off information into smaller infographics, or combining multiple infographics into one big one!

Create Quote Graphics

The same way that snippets of data and statistics can look attractive as an infographic, the same can be said for quote graphics.

In fact, your blog may include some useful quotes that are a lot more interesting and inspiring than reading your entire post.

Plus, this type of repurposing is super easy as once your graphic has been designed, you can adapt the quotes written on it; the same design will create consistency and familiarity with your brand.

Moreover, your quotes may be adaptable and can be applied to multiple contexts – if they’re broad enough.

So, try to find quotes in your old blog posts that are generic and your target audience will resonate with, and can serve different uses as well as being easily shareable.

Create Videos

We used to say video marketing is the future.

Now, it’s the present, and it is becoming a more and more important part of the customer journey; 83% of marketers report that videos significantly improve ROI.

Because, customers don’t just enjoy videos, but they actually prefer this form of content, especially on social media.

So, take your old blog posts and transform these into scripts

But, if your blog post feels too long, you could even just highlight 2 or 3 main points and create a micro-video that is only 2 or 3 minutes long.

Then, simply take your phone (that’s right, you don’t need fancy equipment), set it up, sit in front of it and press record! There are even free video editing software tools available, so it really is an inexpensive way to repurpose blog content.

Produce Podcasts

Not everyone likes to read.

Some people prefer to listen, especially if they’re on-the-go driving, walking, working, cooking etc, audio content can be so much more convenient.

And if you don’t feel comfortable being in front of the camera, you can produce podcasts instead.

Simply, podcasts are a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level and helps you to humanise your brand by speaking about your own personal experiences surrounding that particular blog topic, and having a light-hearted conversation.

Rounding Up

You may not have thought about repurposing content before, or perhaps you did but you weren’t too sure how to go about it,

But when you consider the 80/20 rule, repurposing old blog content can become seriously beneficial.

At the end of the day, you don’t want to spend a lot of time creating content for social media, you want to be promoting your brand.

And when you consider how much effort goes into a single blog post, it makes sense to reuse it in new ways.

After all, that’s why you have different accounts: to keep customers engaged across all channels..

Check our SEO services in the meantime.