The UK advertising industry has secured its position as the second-largest global exporter of advertising, market research, and public opinion polling services, according to a recent analysis by Credos for the UK Advertising Exports Group (UKAEG). 

The report highlights the sector’s remarkable growth and its narrowing gap with the United States, the current leader.

UK Advertising’s Global Impact

Credos’ analysis reveals that the United Kingdom is now closing in on the US in terms of export value, with the gap decreasing from £3.7 billion ($4.7 billion) to £2.3 billion ($3 billion). 

The data, derived from the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), underscores that the UK exports more in advertising services than in traditional sectors, such as engineering, telecommunications, legal, accounting, audiovisual, or architectural services. 

This emphasises the vital role of advertising in the UK’s economy and its global outreach.

Leading Markets and Regional Influence

The United States remains the largest market for UK advertising services, importing over £3.4 billion worth of services. Germany and France follow, with imports valued at £1.2 billion and £1 billion respectively. 

Significantly, exports to Europe account for 63% of the UK’s total advertising exports, amounting to £11.4 billion. 

What’s more, this dominance in the European market highlights the UK’s strong relationships and the effectiveness of its advertising strategies across diverse markets.

Growth Projections and Industry Strengths

In its recent ‘This Year Next Year’ report, Group M has adjusted its growth prediction for the UK advertising sector from 4.6% to 4.9%. 

This adjustment reflects increasing confidence in the industry’s trajectory and its ability to navigate the evolving market landscape. Furthermore, PwC has identified several key strengths that contribute to the UK’s robust appeal, including its creativity, talent, and reputation. 

Additionally, the UK’s strategic time zone advantages allow for seamless operations with both the US and Asia, further enhancing its global competitiveness.

Industry Leaders’ Perspectives

UKAEG chair and VCCP group CEO underscored the UK advertising industry’s global success story, emphasising its talent for effectiveness and innovation that transforms businesses worldwide. 

They remarked that the UK’s advertising sector is not only a leader in creativity but also in delivering impactful and innovative solutions that drive global business success. 

The Advertising Association CEO echoed these sentiments, highlighting the UK’s world-leading reputation for advertising creativity, strategy, and effectiveness. They noted that the UK stands as the second largest exporter of advertising services globally, showing continued strong growth in 2023.

Industry Alliance and Government Collaboration

The UKAEG industry alliance continues to strengthen, fostering collaboration and partnership within the sector. The Advertising Association CEO expressed optimism about working with the next UK government to support a second decade of higher growth.

They expressed that their UKAEG industry alliance is a testament to the collaborative spirit that defines their industry. Also, they look forward to working in partnership with the industry and the next UK government to sustain and elevate their growth trajectory.


The UK advertising industry’s remarkable achievements and sustained growth underscore its vital role in the global market. 

With its innovative talent, strategic advantages, and robust export figures, the sector continues to strengthen its position on the world stage, closing in on the US and setting new benchmarks for success. 

As the industry looks to the future, the partnership between UKAEG, the broader industry, and government will be crucial in driving further growth and maintaining the UK’s leadership in global advertising exports. 

Additionally, the continued emphasis on creativity, innovation, and strategic collaboration ensures that the UK will remain at the forefront of the global advertising landscape.