
Have you ever found yourself captivated by a celebrity’s charisma, humour or relatable quirk so much that you start envisioning a budding friendship with them? 

You’re not alone! 

This peculiar phenomenon happens to many of us as we consume the content these famous individuals create. Our brains subconsciously pick up on the traits they have in common with us – perhaps they share our sense of humour or maybe they seem to possess the same empathetic nature that we pride ourselves on. 

Before we know it, we’ve formed an emotional connection with them, almost as if they have been our pals for years! Each time we watch their interview or devour their latest social media posts, our hearts swell with admiration and familiarity. We find ourselves thinking “They’d totally get my obsession with country music!” or “We’d have such a blast exchanging childhood anecdotes!” The feeling can be incredibly comforting, like finally finding someone who just gets us – never mind the fact that we’ve never actually met. It is a testament to the power of relatability and human connections, even in the glamorous world of the rich and famous. 

As a company owner, you have the resources at your fingertips to create such a feeling about your business! 

You are shouting, what are these resources, right? 

What if I told you these resources were free? This would get you begging for the answer, right? 

Well it isn’t actually free – you are already paying for it but probably not using them to their full potential when it comes to your company’s marketing! 

It is your employees! 

What am I talking about? 

EGC  or Employee Generated Content is what I am talking about. 

What is Employee Generated Content?

It is basically the stuff that comes straight from the people who work at your company – think social media posts, blogs and videos that show the real deal about what it is like to work there. It is a backstage pass to a company’s services or products, the culture, values and everyday work life all shared by the people who know it best: the employees! 

Why Should I be Using Employee Generated Content (ECG)?

Why should you be using it? Just as we all think Ryan Reynolds or Taylor Swift  could be our best friend, people connect with real stories from real people way more than polished corporate messaging. By showcasing their employees’ unique experiences and perspectives, companies can build trust and foster a strong sense of community. After all, it’s the people who make a company great, so why not let them share their stories and connect with others?