Heinz enthusiasts are set to be ‘obsauced’ with the latest creation from the food giant: the limited-edition ‘Every Sauce‘ range. 

Developed in collaboration with the creative minds at Wieden + Kennedy, this innovative product combines fourteen distinct Heinz sauces into one unique bottle, promising to delight and bemuse fans in equal measure.

A Flavour Experience Like No Other

The new ‘Every Sauce’ taps into the full spectrum of Heinz’s flavour arsenal, featuring a gold scratch label that reveals its eclectic blend. From smoky bacon ketchup to chip sauce, and garlic and caramelised onion mayo, this sauce aims to encapsulate the essence of Heinz’s diverse offerings.

‘We’re Obsauced’ is the platform behind this creation. Directors at Wieden + Kennedy London revealed that the inspiration stemmed from the lengths to which Heinz fans go for their beloved sauces. 

The team pondered, ‘What if we create a sauce made up of all Heinz sauces?’ This mad idea blossomed into a reality that epitomises Heinz’s core value of innovation paired with consumer adoration.

Heinz’s ‘Every Sauce’ is designed not just as a novelty but as an embodiment of the brand’s commitment to pushing culinary boundaries. By integrating flavours as varied as the tangy Smokey Baconnaise and the sweet, rich Chip Sauce, the product promises a complex tasting experience. 

What’s more, the label’s gold scratch feature adds an interactive element, allowing consumers to engage with the product in a fun and personal way.

The Quest for the Obsauced

In true Heinz fashion, obtaining a bottle of ‘Every Sauce’ isn’t straightforward. Fans must partake in an online quiz, designed to test their knowledge and passion for Heinz products, with only 100 bottles available for the lucky winners. 

This competitive element is a nod to the brand’s loyal fanbase, rewarding those who demonstrate their ‘obsauced’ nature.

This initiative ties into Heinz’s broader brand platform, ‘It has to be Heinz, which celebrates the extraordinary love fans have for the brand. The platform’s previous ‘Last Drop’ campaign humorously depicted people licking sauce from unconventional places, showcasing the depth of consumer devotion. 

Unsurprisingly, the ‘Every Sauce’ campaign continues this theme, encouraging fans to prove their dedication and earn their reward.

Heinz’s Director of Taste Elevation highlighted the brand’s continuous efforts to innovate and meet evolving culinary trends. They stated that they are undeniably sauce obsessed and it only felt right to find those out there who are just as obsessed as they are and give them the ultimate sauce to rule them all. 

They went on to add further that this product is a celebration of everything Heinz represents – creativity, passion, and a love for bold flavours.

Fan Reactions: Delight and Bemusement

The launch of ‘Every Sauce’ has sparked a variety of reactions. While some fans are thrilled, others are sceptical. One X user expressed doubt, suggesting it might taste like mild mayo with a hint of warmth, while another was unsure about handling all 14 flavours at once. 

These mixed reactions highlight the polarising nature of such a daring product.

Conversely, dedicated fans are eagerly anticipating the chance to try it. One particularly enthused fan wrote that they need this! As a Heinz super fan family, they need this sauce in their lives.

The excitement from these ‘obsauced’ fans underscores the deep connection many have with the brand and its products.

Wieden + Kennedy’s campaign effectively taps into this passionate fanbase, leveraging their enthusiasm to generate buzz and anticipation. By creating a product that is both a novelty and a collector’s item, Heinz has managed to blend marketing innovation with consumer engagement in a way that few brands can.


Heinz’s ‘Every Sauce’ embodies the brand’s commitment to creativity and consumer engagement. Whether it becomes a new favourite or a culinary curiosity, there’s no denying the excitement it has generated. 

As Heinz continues to innovate, ‘Every Sauce’ stands as a testament to the brand’s playful spirit and the unwavering love of its fans. 

And finally, in an industry often marked by incremental changes, Heinz’s bold move with ‘Every Sauce’ showcases its willingness to push boundaries and keep its devoted followers ‘obsauced’.