Email Intelligence is a hot topic in the world of marketing and sales. It’s an automatic process based on continuous machine learning used to gain statistical insights into your customers, helping you segment and target your marketing/sales emails to the right people and at the right time. 

But what is Email Intelligence? And more importantly, how can you use it to boost your sales?

In this blog post, we’ll answer those questions and more!

What is Email Intelligence?

Email Intelligence is an automated process that uses machine learning and statistical data to provide insights into customer behaviour. This data can then be used to create targeted email campaigns based on customer segmentation. 

Email Intelligence helps marketers and sales professionals increase engagement, track open rates, monitor responses, and gain a better understanding of how customers interact with emails.

Email intelligence can be used in tandem with email marketing to create a powerful combination. Email marketing campaigns powered by Email Intelligence are more likely to hit their intended target and generate the desired response. 

Using email intelligence, you can instantly discover who your customers are and what they care about. You’ll also be able to identify their preferred point of contact, giving you the power to craft messages and offers that are tailored directly to them. 

A typical email intelligence field includes:

  • Demographics: Age, Gender, Name, Postal Address
  • Household: Income, Marital Status, Presence of Children, Home Market Value
  • Purchase Intent: Kids and Babies, Clothing, Electronics, Furniture
  • Life Stage: Millennial, Expecting, Engaged, Mom
  • Lifestyle: Gamer, Cord Cutter, Beauty Seeker, DIY-er
  • Buyer Type: Deal-Seeker, Online Buyer, Big Spender, Holiday Shopper

Benefits of Email Intelligence for Businesses

Improved Email Campaign Performance

Email campaigns powered by Email Intelligence can be optimised to target audiences more effectively and personalise emails for improved engagement. A normal email campaign would take a lot of manual effort to track, segment and target customers. Email Intelligence does all of this for you automatically. 

Increased Conversion Rates

Email intelligence allows businesses to craft personalised messages based on customer segmentation, leading to increased open rates, click-throughs and ultimately higher conversion rates. This helps drive more sales and revenue.

Automated Email Tracking & Reporting

Email Intelligence provides insights into customer engagement and behaviours, allowing businesses to gain a better understanding of their customers’ preferences. Additionally, Email Intelligence helps automate email tracking and reporting, making it easier for businesses to track the performance of their campaigns. 

Improved Customer Insights

Email Intelligence provides valuable insights about customers that can help inform strategies for marketing, sales, customer service, and product design. Email intelligence helps businesses to better understand their customers’ needs, preferences and behaviours.

Real-Time Email Automation

Email Intelligence provides real-time email automation, allowing businesses to send out emails as soon as customers sign up for their service. This helps businesses stay in touch with their customers and build relationships over time. 

As you can see, Email Intelligence is essential for any business that wants to succeed in the world of marketing and sales. Email Intelligence helps businesses to better understand their customers and craft targeted emails for improved engagement, higher conversion rates, and a better overall customer experience. 

By leveraging Email Intelligence, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, increase open rates and click-throughs, drive higher conversion rates, automate email tracking and reporting, and finally improve customer insights for more effective campaigns and strategies.

Using Email Intelligence for Driving Sales

By following the steps below, you can use email intelligence to drive sales:

Identify Your Target Audience

Email Intelligence can help you identify your target audience by gathering demographic information and data on customer preferences, behaviours, and interests. This allows you to segment customers into groups that are more likely to respond positively to certain types of offers or promotions.

Craft Personalized Messages

Once the right target audience is identified, email intelligence allows businesses to craft personalised messages based on customer segmentation. This helps drive more engagement, click-throughs and ultimately higher conversion rates.

Analyse Email Performance

Email Intelligence also provides insights into customer engagement and behaviours, allowing businesses to gain a better understanding of their customers’ preferences. Additionally, email intelligence helps automate email tracking and reporting, making it easier for businesses to track the performance of their campaigns.

Implement Email Automation

Email Intelligence provides real-time email automation, allowing businesses to send out emails as soon as customers sign up for their service. This helps businesses stay in touch with their customers and build relationships over time.  To set up email automation, businesses should use email intelligence to analyse customer behaviours and preferences, create automated email workflow sequences, and optimise emails for higher open rates. 

Optimise Email Campaigns

You need to  optimise your email campaign for better performance and higher engagement. This includes experimenting with different designs, testing subject lines and calls-to-action, and optimising scheduling to ensure the right customers receive the right message at the right time. 

Doing so will help businesses to drive more engagement, click-throughs and conversions. Email Intelligence allows businesses to track customer responses, analyse open rates and click-throughs, and adjust campaigns accordingly. This helps increase the effectiveness of email campaigns and improves overall conversion rates.

Concluding Remarks

By using Email Intelligence, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and craft personalised messages to drive higher conversion rates. Email intelligence also helps automate email tracking and reporting, providing invaluable data to help optimise campaigns and strategies for increased sales and revenue. 

Ultimately, email intelligence is an essential tool for any business looking to succeed in the world of marketing and sales. Email Intelligence allows businesses to better understand their customers, target the right people at the right time, and craft messages that will drive higher engagement and conversions. 

With Email Intelligence, businesses can improve customer relationships and increase revenue in an efficient manner.