
Tags – Digitalisation in Construction

LinkedIn is an interesting platform.

It seems like everyone is trying to build an image on the outward. However, private chats don’t always go the way we intend.

In most cases, you may not even get a reply back. So, if nothing else, LinkedIn is the best platform to learn ‘moving on’ from.

On the other hand, some chats go better than expected. One such case was my chat with Michael Steele, an Operations Director in the construction sector.

Digitalisation in Construction

Michael has been active in the construction industry for over a decade now. 

In addition, he has previously worked as a Customer Service Operations Manager at Ericsson and Business Consultant at Siemens

What attracted me towards Michael’s profile is his commitment to bring construction and technology closer together. And, instead of playing around and using jargon, he is clear about what he means by the coming together of construction and technology.

Digitisation, mobility, and real time information sharing.

In fact, such is his commitment to bringing technology and construction together that he considers it the making or breaking of his professionalism. For instance, the inability and acceptance of the need for technology is what pushed him out of his last role. He simply refers to it as ‘resistance to change’.

The Future of Construction

When asked about the future of construction, Michael believes that organisations that will not accept technology in the next stage of their evolution will simply not be able to survive.

He explains his survival ideas by giving the example of the costs that can be saved through bringing technology into the equation. Combine this with the ability of technology to impart key information to the workforce in times quicker than ever and the importance of technology paramounts even further. 

Put simply, he wants construction companies to embrace the ideas of agility and information tracking

It is important to mention at this point that, within all this talk of technology, Michael doesn’t undermine the human factor.

The Role of Adaptation

As expected, it is not just a matter of applying technology to construction.

Michael adds at this point that it is more a case of how technology is applied.

If the sector converts to measuring meaningless stats and information, and using inappropriate KPIs, the whole digitalisation of construction can stall. 

Therefore, it is important that the people involved in the construction sector embrace and apply technology appropriately. When done so, technology can be a force to foster interworking and collaborations between sites and offices; and clients and contractors beyond that. 

And, in order to achieve all this, it is vital that the benefits of digitising construction are communicated, and inputs are taken on board from the people that are affected and will benefit from it.

To learn more, get in touch with us today. To connect with Michael, please check here

And, to learn about digitalisation of other sectors, check:

  1. Digital Marketing for Accountants – Refining Your Approach
  2. Digital Marketing for Restaurants – Importance of a Social Media Focus
  3. Is Digital Marketing for Tradesmen? Yes
  4. Real Estate Digital Marketing – How to Tackle the Hard Sales?
