In the world of cybersecurity, client-side threat intelligence is a relatively new term. But what is it, and why do you need it? 

In this blog post, we will answer those questions and more! 

We’ll explain what client-side threat intelligence is, how it differs from other types of threat intelligence, and why it’s so important for businesses.

What is Client-Side Threat Intelligence?

Client-side threat intelligence is a type of security intelligence that focuses on protecting the end user, rather than the network. 

It encompasses all the data and information that an organisation needs to know in order to work against external threats. This includes data about current and emerging threats, as well as information about an organisation’s own vulnerabilities.

Client-side threat intelligence is a relatively new concept, but it’s one that is quickly gaining traction in the cybersecurity world. The reason for this is simple: as businesses become more reliant on technology, they are also becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks

And while traditional security measures (like firewalls and antivirus software) can help to protect networks, they do nothing to defend against attacks that target individual users.

This is where client-side threat intelligence comes in. By providing organisations with the data and information they need to identify and defend against external threats, client-side threat intelligence can help to fill the gaps in their security strategy.

How is Client-Side Threat Intelligence Different? 

Client-side threat intelligence differs from other types of intelligence in a few key ways. 

It Protects End User

First, as we mentioned above, it focuses on protecting the end user rather than the network. This means that it takes into account the unique needs and vulnerabilities of individual users, rather than treating all users the same.

It is Proactive

Secondly, client-side threat intelligence is proactive rather than reactive. 

Rather than waiting for an attack to happen and then responding accordingly, client-side threat intelligence allows organisations to anticipate and defend against potential threats before they even occur.

It is Continuous

Finally, client-side threat intelligence is continuous. This means that it’s always evolving and changing to keep up with the latest threats. 

By contrast, other types of intelligence are often static, meaning they only provide information about threats that have already occurred.

Why You Need Client-Side Threat Intelligence

There are many reasons why you need client-side threat intelligence. Here are just a few:

Prevents Cyber Attacks

First and foremost, client-side threat intelligence can help to prevent cyber attacks. By providing organisations with the data and information they need to identify and defend against external threats, client-side threat intelligence can help to stop attacks before they even happen.

In other words, if you want to keep your business safe from cyber attacks, client-side threat intelligence is a must.

Fills Gaps in Security Strategy

As we mentioned before, client-side threat intelligence can help to fill the gaps in your security strategy.  

By providing you with the data and information you need to understand, anticipate, and defend against external threats, client-side threat intelligence can help to make sure that your business is as safe as possible.

Helps You Stay Ahead of the Curve

Finally, client-side threat intelligence can help you stay ahead of the curve. 

By keeping you up-to-date on the latest threats and vulnerabilities, client-side threat intelligence can help you anticipate and defend against threats before they even happen.

This is essential in today’s ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

To conclude, client-side threat intelligence is a must-have for any business to protect themselves against sophisticated cyber attacks, fill the gaps in their security strategy and stay ahead of the curve. 

If you want to keep your business safe, don’t wait any longer – start using client-side threat intelligence today.