
Tags – Perspective Taking

What is the difference between a selfish and a considerate person?

By definition, a selfish person is only interested in preserving their own interest. A considerate person, on the other hand, is capable of getting into the shoes of others – of removing themselves from the environment and recognising the needs of others.

I could finish this blog here, but my aim is to connect consideration-based, perspective taking to marketing and business in general.

From a scientific perspective, the ability to think from an outsider’s perspective is one of the key factors in our development. But, the positives do not just end there.

Building Positives

Vast research has connected perspective taking with building empathy, sympathy, care, and even creativity and a reduction in stereotyping.

In case of empathy, the connection is even deeper. perspective taking is one of the four factors measured in the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) – the other three being concern, fantasy and distress. (IRI is a measure of empathy in an individual).

Data from 63 countries shows that people who score well on the IRI demonstrate have higher levels of self-esteem and self-satisfaction. If we connect the dots between the positives presented here and perspective taking, it is not difficult to understand the positives of perspective taking in the first place.

Another research shows that people who demonstrate empathy and perspective taking are more agreeable. I will let you apply this to business thinking yourself. (More agreeableness = more sales).

Eliminating Negatives

In terms of negative stereotyping and favouritism, major societal and business issues, people who are able to get into the shoes of others are more likely to demonstrate a higher, personalised understanding towards others.

This level of personalisation then leads to a better understanding of situations; later resulting in granting the ability to individuals to take the right steps to fulfil needs and wants. This understanding and fulfilment of wants and needs is literally the definition of doing business successfully in the long term.

Concluding Remarks

So, the bottom-line is, in order to increase your chances of running a successful business, work on getting into the shoes of others. Put an effort into understanding the people before trying to sell to them and you will go far.

In my case, this entails my whole job – the ability to think from different perspectives and deriving solutions.

To learn more and bring perspective taking into your business, get in touch today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]