
Tags – Growing Facebook Page

Have you ever thought why the same kind of content works for some people but not for others?

For instance, you see someone write about the horrors of trying to land a dream job. And, as a result, there are multiple comments on the post offering help. On the other hand, you may try to do the same and go nowhere with it.

The reason for this happening is simple. It is likely that the first person who succeeded with the post is an individual who has recently or is about to graduate. This means that the first person’s whole activity for the past few months has been surrounding landing a job. You, a professional at this point, has been posting about things related to your work. As a result, the algorithms are matching you with people that are relevant to your work instead. In simple terms, what works for a 22 year old will not work for even a 27 year old.

In other words, relevance and consistency are key in social media posting.

Application to Business

Businesses who are consistent have the opportunity to grow through social media.

Even if you make burgers, you could be the next McDonald’s with the right processes. These right processes allow you to produce a product or a service that is consistent. And, this consistency grants you the ability to build and then fulfil customer expectations.

This is no difference in the digital industry. The consistency here is how often you distribute content – content that is relevant.

Let’s give you an example from our Facebook page here.

Digital Application

The aim of marketing is to have your message heard by more people – preferably people that are your ideal customer targets. To do so, we have found that lining of the dots is very important for posts to be shown to a greater market.

For example, we produced a video for accountants and published It on the Axies Digital feed. With 300 page likes, we got 60 views on this video. On the other hand, when we published the same video on MV Chartered Accountants page, we received over 200 views despite only having 50 page likes. (You can check the video here).


A video about accounting will simply do better on an accounting page.

The algorithms simply expect you to produce this kind of content and will show it to the right people.

On the other hand, even though the other page may have more likes, and even if Facebook starts showing the video to your regular audience, after the initial mixed response, the algorithms will deem the content to be irrelevant for this audience.

This simply indicates that lining up your services and the optimisation of your content will improve your audience reach. Keep that in mind the next time you are posting.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]